Investindustrial pays back one billion euros to its investors, MF-Milano Finanza wrote las Saturday 30h March. This is a figure representing what was paid to the private equity operator founded by Andrea Bonomi  since last November.
The figure comes from rich exits from prevoius investments such as the one in Italian bank, Banca Popolare di Milano, and the last one in the European helicopter emergency service group Avincis  (see a previous post of BeBeez). But some pay back to Investindustrial’s investors came also from some dividend recap and refinancing deals by other portfolio’s companies (i.e. the Spanish park theme PortAventura, which issued 400 million euros of bond last December for the purpose of refinancing debt and paying a dividend to its shareholders).
Investindustrial announced the closing of fundraising for 1.25 billion euros for its last fund in 2012. It is still looking for new investments and it is aiming at closing two deals in Italy  and one in Spain this year. As for divestments, Investindustrial is studying what to do about Stroili, AEB e Cogetch. The fund is deciding whether to divest or to investi againg in these companies’ development together with its coinvestors,